Friday, January 29, 2010


Concerning abortion: it's basically to the point where its almost safer for the baby to be outside of the womb than inside. God designed the womb to hold, protect, and nurture the baby until it was time to be birthed, yet now it's not so safe....

It's hard for me to share my pains with people; my struggles, my bad days, etc. I always feel like it would be so selfish. I don't want any selfish pity. I also don't want to make any person's good days bad, or bad days worse. I take it upon my self to shoulder my struggles alone... some days its easier than others.

So while I was at work I made up this analogy which made me laugh a little: Finding a wife is like getting a tattoo. Its gotta be something you like and something that looks good. Something that matters and is not one that is ordinary for the sake of having one. And its gotta be something you can live with for the rest of your life.

enjoy life.

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